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Mrs Catlow - Director of Science
Miss Bourne - Head of Biology 
Miss Sumpter - Head of Chemistry
Mr Tyrrell - Head of Physics
Miss De Cambre - Head of KS4 Science
Miss Jina - Head of KS3 Science
Mr Conlon
Miss Heath 
Mr Pittaway 
Mr Birkenhead 
Mr Kamaluddin  
Miss Drury 
Miss Dancaster 
Miss Salim
Mr White 
Mrs Horn - Senior Science Technician 
Mr Wilbourn - Science Technician 
Miss Kazmi - Science Technician

Our Vision:

Our primary goal is to encourage students to enjoy and engage with science and to develop their curiosity and enthusiasm for the world around them. We aim to promote an understanding of science amongst students, equipping them with the skills to allow them to be scientifically literate; investigating scientific problems for themselves and making decisions centred around scientific issues as well as acquiring knowledge of the fundamental scientific principles that underpin life as we know it.

Curriculum Summary:

Science is about looking for answers to questions and we have based our science curriculum around this idea. Using the ‘Big Idea’ principle, where topics are explicitly linked to fundamental ideas in Science as they flow from one topic to the next, and from one year to the next, the curriculum builds on the scientific success and failure of the past, how it informs science now, and on sciences role in shaping the future. This is then used to help students understand the present and plan for their future. We consider the career and job aspirations of our students and link this into the curriculum to ensure students are able to see the relevance of the science they study on a personal and global level.

Our curriculum has been designed to be cross-curricular, link to our local community, and continue to develop our links with other educational establishments beyond ICC. Each lesson is set in a relevant context encouraging students to develop their practical and questioning skills, whilst working towards a better understanding of the questions being asked of science in today's world.

Assessment is carried out informally in each lesson and there is formal assessment at regular intervals throughout the year. The assessment takes into account the practical, mathematical, and analytical skills developed. Students are encouraged to reflect on their own level of knowledge and understanding, regularly, and this informs staff on student progress.

Our curriculum in more detail…

To read more about the way our curriculum sets out the knowledge and skills pupils will gain, how it is delivered and assessed in order to build knowledge and how we monitor the impact of this, see the Intent, Implementation and Impact documentation below.

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